Student Handbook
- Student Handbook
- Attendance
- Arrival & Dismissal
- Vistitors
- Pre-Arranged Absences
- Parking and Transportation
- Volunteers
Student Handbook
Click on 2022-23 Student Family Handbook to download the handbook document.
Absences When your child is absent or will be late to school due to an appointment, phone the office to let us know. Please notify the office rather than the classroom teacher. If you have a message for the teacher, please include it in your office message and they will pass it along. Our attendance line is (425) 408-4810. Feel free to leave a message anytime, day or night. If we have not heard from you by 10:00 a.m., the office will contact you at home or at work. If we are unable to reach you, we will phone your listed emergency contacts as well. A written excuse must still accompany your student when returning to school. An absence will remain unexcused until contact is made with a parent.
Excused absences (illness/medical) Every day of school is important to the education of your child, but a child should not be sent to school if he/she shows any sign of illness. If your child has had a temperature, please wait until it is normal (98.6) for 24 hours before sending him/her back to school. Students well enough to come to school will be considered well enough to go outside for recess and participate in physical education class. Please send a note with your child when he/she returns to school, stating the nature of the illness.
Arrival & Dismissal
Visiting school
Parents are always welcome to visit our school. All visitors must sign in at the office where they will be issued a visitor’s name tag.
We ask that parents exercise careful judgment and avoid frequent or lengthy visits. Providing your child privacy and independence at school sends a positive message about their self-reliance and your confidence in the teacher.
If you wish to visit a class, please make arrangements with the teacher prior to the day of the visit. During class time, the teacher is too busy with students for much conversation. Dropping into classrooms with quick messages or a lunch for students or a note for teachers can be very disruptive. Teachers will be happy to confer with parents before or after school. Send a note to your child’s teacher to communicate you’d like a conference appointment.
Pre-Arranged Absences
Vacations/Trips Vacations are highly discouraged during school times. Students gone for 20 or more days will be un-enrolled. With the way curriculum is presented now, it is very challenging to assign a packet of assignments while your child is away. Teachers will do their best to accommodate while your child is gone, but please know there will be things missed that cannot be made up. Teachers will still do their best to support your child to the when they return.
Early dismissal To ensure that only an authorized person takes a child from school, a note from home must be cleared through the office before the child can be released. A child dismissed prior to the regular dismissal time must be met in the office and signed out by a parent, guardian, or authorized adult. Please come to the office and we will call your child from the classroom.
Parking and Transportation
Traffic Flow procedures Procedures for driving students to and from Kenmore Elementary are as follows:
Enter the upper parking lot slowly Enter the front-loading zone to deposit children and circle around the parking lot to exit.
Please DO:
Have students wait on the sidewalk for pick up.
Have students enter/exit cars from the right side only.
Use crosswalks. Always accompany children crossing to parked cars
Use extreme caution on campus; the speed limit is 5 mph.
Take turns with cars pulling in from the other entrance.
Please DO NOT:
Allow students to run alongside cars pulling forward.
Drop off or pick up students outside of the loading zone.
Drop off or pick up in the back parking lot.
Leave car unattended in the loading zone.
Park in the fire lane.
Drive in the oncoming traffic lanes on school property.
Volunteers. The talents, expertise, and interest of parents who volunteer at school enhance our students’ school lives. There are opportunities for parents to assist in the library, health room, classrooms, reading room, learning center, and with many all-school programs. You will have an opportunity to sign up for classroom volunteering at the grade level curriculum night. Prior to volunteering, you will be asked to sign up for volunteer training before you begin and is only necessary to attend once.
Parent volunteers are asked to carefully consider issues of confidentiality. We also ask your help in maintaining a school environment that is warm and respectful and teaches students independence and personal responsibility. Thank you in advance to all the wonderful volunteers who contribute to the success of our school programs by volunteering.