Report an Absence

Students are expected to attend all assigned classes each day. It is important that you call the office whenever your student will be absent from school.

Call: 425-408-4810

Attendance Policy

Please report your child's absence before 8:30 a.m. to the 24 hour attendance line at 425-408-4810.

Regular attendance is essential for success in school; therefore, absences shall be excused only for necessary and important reasons. A Parent/Guardian should notify the school prior to the absence/tardy with a call, note or email that his/her child is unable to attend or will be late to school. The call, note or email must be received within 72 hours of the absence and address the date/time and reason for the absence.

RCW 28A.225.010 Excused absences shall not be permitted if deemed to cause a serious adverse effect upon the student’s educational progress, unless the student is physically or mentally unable to attend school and the parent has provided documentation of the student’s inability to attend.

Pre-Arranged Extended Absence

Will you be gone for more than 4 days?  If so, please download & fill out a Pre-Arranged Extended Absence Form and return it to the Kenmore Elementary Office at least two weeks prior to the requested absence dates.



Office Secretary:
Christina Sturtevant
Attendance Line: