Kenmore Elementary Paw Prints - January, 2025




Strengthen student voice and choice through engaging activities that support academic growth and technology education. Enhance family engagement through shared digital learning portfolios and communication around student work and academic progress.



Kenmore Elementary Paw Prints - January, 2025



  • Principal's Message
  • Important Dates
  • Monthly Focus
  • District News

Principal's Message

Greetings and Welcome to 2025!

We hope the holiday season filled your days with joy, relaxation, and special moments with your loved ones.

As we wrap up our first semester and transition into the second, I’d like to share some important reminders for your convenience:

  • Chromebook Charging: Please encourage your Cub to charge their Chromebook each night to ensure they're prepared for school.
  • iReady Diagnostics: This week marks the start of iReady Diagnostics. It’s important for students to approach this assessment with seriousness and take their time. The insights gained from this assessment are valuable for us and help prepare them for future assessments on their journey to College and Career Readiness.
  • Upcoming Assessments: In May, students in 5th grade will participate in the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science, and those in grades 3-5 will take the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA). Teachers will begin discussing these assessments and sharing guidance on protocols in the coming months.
  • WIDA Assessments: If your child is an English Language Learner, please note that they will take the WIDA Assessments in March.
  • Building SEL Skills: We will continue to focus on expanding our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills, with a particular emphasis on empathy. Encouraging our students to understand and share the feelings of others is key to fostering a supportive community.

Throughout this time, learning will expand, and we truly appreciate your partnership and engagement in your child's education!


Geetha George-Shapiro


Important Dates calendar

Jan 8 - Early Release @ 2:10pm
Jan 9 - Popcorn Thursday
Jan 13 - Emergency Drill
Jan 14 - PTA Meeting, 6:00-7:30pm, Library
Jan 14 - Construction Conversation Q & A, 7:00-7:30pm
Jan 15 - Early Release @ 2:10pm
Jan 17 - MLK Assembly, 9:25-9:55am, Gym
Jan 20 - NO SCHOOL (MLK Day)
Jan 21 - Title I Social & Emotional Supports, 4:30-5:30pm, Library
Jan 22 - Early Release @ 2:10pm
Jan 27 - NO SCHOOL (Teacher Work Day)
Jan 28-31 - PTA Dance Week
Jan 29 - Coffee & Conversations, 9:00-10:00am, Activity Room
Jan 29 - Early Release @ 2:10pm
Jan 30 - Parent/Child Math Class, 3:30-4:30pm, Activity Room
Jan 31 - KE Spirit Day: Dress Like a Penguin
Jan 31 - PTA Family Dance Night, 6:00-8:00pm, Kenmore Middle School Cafeteria

Please Note: There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 20th or Monday, January 27th.


Our Monthly Focus   gratitude

Our Monthly Focus: Social Emotional Learning with PurposeFull People

 Dear Families,

This year we are using PurposeFull People, a program that teaches skills to help students be successful in school and in life. We just wrapped up our third focus on Gratitude and are moving forward with our next focus, Empathy

Empathy Overview

​We are looking forward to focusing on Empathy this month! One way to think about Empathy is “understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings.” Empathy is a practice that can help us grow strong relationships” 

In the classrooms

For the following month each classroom will be focusing on different aspects of what it means to show Empathy. Below you will find the overall focus for each grade.

Kindergarten: Listening to others. 
First Grade: Being a good friend.
Second Grade: Using empathy to help solve conflicts
Third Grade: Perspective taking.
Fourth/Fifth Grade: Conflict resolution and responding with empathy.
Family Connections 
Conversations Starters: 
  1. What does Empathy look like to you?
  2. Is it hard to share how you feel with others? Why or why not?
  • Schedule a family movie night so that you can specifically watch for feelings and emotions. As emotions are identified, invite one another to Empathize by sharing about a time they felt that way or imagining how they might be feeling in that moment
Samantha Nunes
Counselor- Kenmore Elementary


 District News District News

Enrollment for 25-26 School Year

Enrollment dates are as follows:

  • January 6: The K-12 waiver application process opens for Northshore employees and in-district and out-of-district students with current waivers.
  • January 8: Open Enrollment for all Kindergarten students, new 1-12th grade Northshore students, and Choice Programs and Schools applications begin.
  • February 24: Students with approved applications for Choice Schools and or Programs may submit waivers.
  • March 24: The K-12 application process for new waivers including in-district, out-of-district, and currently waived NSD students moving from 5th to 6th grade and 8th to 9th grade opens.



Kenmore Elementary Family Climate Survey     2018-2019

We would like your feedback to inform decisions and planning for the next school year.
