Kenmore Elementary Paw Prints - September, 2024




Strengthen student voice and choice through engaging activities that support academic growth and technology education. Enhance family engagement through shared digital learning portfolios and communication around student work and academic progress.



Kenmore Elementary Paw Prints - September, 2024



Where all students feel respected, loved, and inspired to develop
into their fullest potential in a world yet to be imagined.


Foster a safe and inclusive community that supports all
students in their academic, social, and emotional needs.


  • Principal's Message
  • Important Dates
  • Technology Update


Welcome to our Kenmore family, new and returning! We're thrilled to kick off the 2024-25 school year with you. Over the past two weeks, we've shared some important information, and now, we can't wait to see our KE Cubs back at school this Tuesday.

To help make your first days back smooth and stress-free, we've attached everything you need to know about morning drop-offs and pick-ups (most important!), along with some helpful links to key resources:

See you on Tuesday! 

Geetha George-Shapiro

IMPORTANT DATES                                            

9/3 - First Day of School!
9/6, 9/9, 9/10 - No School for Kindergarteners (WaKids Conferences)
9/10 - Virtual Curriculum Night (Sent by classroom teachers)
9/11 - Early Release Wednesday (Dismissal @ 2:10pm)
9/13 - Emergency Drill
9/17 - Meet the Teacher (In Person Curriculum Q & A), Last Names A-M @ 5:30-6:00pm; N-Z @ 6:00-6:30pm
9/18 - Early Release Wednesday (Dismissal @ 2:10pm)
9/18 - PTA Family Culture Night, 5:00-7:00pm
9/25 - Early Release Wednesday (Dismissal @ 2:10pm)
9/26 - Individual Picture Day
9/27 - KE Spirit Day: Apple Cup / Sporty Day



If your student has a district device that they took home for the summer, please remember to charge it fully and send with them on their first day of school. If they do not yet have a device, they will receive one soon.


Device Protection Plans are now available for the 2024-2025 school year. Please use the QR code or visit for more information. Plans purchased last year will expire the first week of September.


Kenmore Elementary Family Climate Survey     2018-2019

We would like your feedback to inform decisions and planning for the next school year.
