Title I Support

Title I English Language Arts & Math Support

Title I is a federally funded program, which provides additional money to schools based on the number of students from low income families. The Title I program is designed to help students increase their academic skills in order to meet state standards. This program provides supplemental educational services or materials that are used to help students improve Reading, Writing, Language and or Math skills. 

  • Support for students in grades:
    •  K-5 Math
    •  5th ELA
  • Extended Day Learning
  • Supplemental small group pullout or in-class instruction
  • Math instruction, which follows WA math standards & curriculum
  • Supplemental Learning Materials
  • Teacher and staff professional development
  • Family Activities at Kenmore
  • Certificated Teachers and Paraprofessionals for Reading, Writing, Language and Math instruction
  • Summer school programs

LAP (Learning Assistance Program)

LAP at the elementary level is a supplemental program that operates in addition to the core instruction to serve students who are performing below standard in Reading.  The purpose of the LAP program is to accelerate student growth in Kindergarten through 4th grade in reading or reading readiness skills.

  • Reading support for students in grades K-4
  • Extended Day Learning
  • Supplemental small group pullout or in-class instruction.
  • Certificated Teachers and Paraprofessionals for Reading instruction.
  • Teacher and staff professional development
  • Responsive intervention for students performing below grade level on the Smarter Balanced Assessment in 4th grade.

Title I 

Darcia Myers
(425) 408-4869


Emily Grossman
(425) 408-4869